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Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Want You To Have A Good Day And A Great Life

As Featured On EzineArticles

Everyone wants to be happy and successful. I believe it is an innate desire ingrained in human nature. But if we all want it how come so few of us a rarely able to achieve true happiness and success? Those few have discovered and use these 5 secret tips that I'm going to share with you. And when you begin to practice these 5 secret tips, you too will be able to achieve happiness and success. I am going to give you a tip each day for the next 5 days and I want you to review and implement each tip.

Here are the 5 secret tips that will help you be more successful in anything you do:

1. Know who you are and believe in yourself 100%.

• If you think you can or can't you are rite either way.

• Don't let others negativity dictate your future. Stay away from stinkin' thinkin'

• I challenge you to turn your television off for 6 weeks, no negative news....watch how positive your thoughts will become

One of my millionaire mentors once told me that 'you are the same person today that you will be 5 years from now with the exception of 2 things, the people you meet and the books you read. If you want to be successful, have money and happiness, then you HAVE to associate with happy successful people who have money. You wouldn't go to a plumber and have him perform open heart surgery, so stop getting financial advice from people that are broke (i.e. friends/family). The mind is like a sponge and it will soak up whatever you put in it (good or bad), so make sure that you a constantly reading positive self help and inspirational books.

E. King, Founder and CEO of Bail Enforcement Network, is a master coach and success strategist. He has advised and created successful strategies for key government officials, law enforcement, and many of the nation's leading professionals. You can become a millionaire in three to five years! By using his educational tools and strategies, you will learn to think, act, and make money the way the wealthy do.

As Featured On EzineArticles

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