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Sunday, April 4, 2010

How to Successfully Market Yourself As an Expert Bounty Hunter

Successful marketing is key to the prosperity of any business. Though the concept is simple, its not easy unless you have a concept/strategy. This article will layout a simple marketing strategy that will help you be successful in your business. This will be the first article of a seven part series that will be discussed over a seven week span. So be sure to look for next weeks article that will cover part 2 of How to Successfully Market Yourself As an Expert Bounty Hunter.

1-Storytelling. The "story" in marketing is a key factor in business success. Commercials, TV ads, and shows all tell a story that keeps our attention. Be sincere but exciting with your story. If you need help developing your story get with a marketing executive or a copywriter, they can help you develop your story in a way that will be enticing to your target market.

Your story should be filled with passion. It's the passion that will sell your story to your audience and aid in giving that feeling of connectivity with them. Passion in your story will also make your story believable and relatable.

Define the struggle in your story. Clearly explain what obstacle has been blocking you in your life and how you overcame that obstacle. Make sure that confidence exudes in your triumph over the obstacle. This will add credibility to your story.

2- Now that you have your story created, put it on the backside of a flyer with a wanted picture of the fugitive you are searching for on the front side. After you have your flyer created, go to your local FedEx/Kinko's and print up at least one thousand copies. Next, choose a neighboring state next to your own state that you want to do business in. This is the state that you are going to canvass with your one thousand printed flyers. Distribute your flyers by mail to as many bail bondsmen within your target state as possible. Wait a few days, then get your street team and take a small trip to one of the target cities within your target state and follow up face to face with all of the bondsmen that you previously mailed your flyers to. While visiting the bail bondsmen, be sure to pay a quick visit to all of the local taverns, laundry mats, and trailer parks and distribute flyers in those areas as well.

This is a very simple and effective way to market you as an expert bounty hunter. Again, you should make a 'wanted' flyer with the fugitive on the front and your success story on the back. Be sure to include contact information on both sides of the flyer.
Canvass a neighboring state by the state in which you live with one thousand of your printed flyers. Canvass by mail and follow up with a trip a few days later. Do this and watch your business grow. Let me hear about your success stories by posting your comments on my bounty hunting training blog at www.erickingseminars.blogspot.com. You can also attend one of my seminars to help increase profits in your business. Sign up for the next seminar at www.benseminars.com/seminar.aspx. I look forward to reading your success stories real soon. Be sure to look for part 2 on How to Successfully Market Yourself As a Expert Bounty Hunter next week.

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E.King, Founder and CEO of Bail Enforcement Network, is a master coach and success strategist. He has advised and created successful strategies for key government officials, law enforcement, and many of the nation's leading professionals. You can become a millionaire in three to five years! By using his educational tools and strategies, you will learn to think, act, and make money the way the wealthy do.

Article Source: www.EzineArticles.com/?expert=E_King

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